Article on education📚

Meaning of Education

  Education is the systematic process of increasing, and enhancing the hidden skill inside us, by which we develop capacity to change this world at social, economical and political level. Education is also the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skill, beliefs, values, and habits.

Methods of education

  There are various method of learning, which are:  . Story telling
                      . Discussion
                      . Teaching
                      . Training
                      . Directed research

Article of education

Education plays an important role in human life regarding to build their personality, career and metal growth. Education is the best tool for facing any up and down situation through the whole life. We cannot only improve our personal life by education but also can bring an amazing positive change in the society or nation.
  To provide education among people, society has declared some places as home to education, example; Schools and colleges, where some patterns are followed in procedural manner to offer quality of education as the aspiring student. Currently government has majorly focused on the schooling system for student. It has been compulsory for student of age 6 to 14years to get primary education from any authorized school. In most states of India, education system is followed by 10+2+3 prototype which consist 10years of primary(till 8th class), and secondary education(9th and 10th), 2years of higher or senior, secondary education (11th and 12th), and last 3years of graduation from any degree college.
  Apart from individual state board, CBSE(Central Board of Secondary Education), ICSE(Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) are two bodies that operate various schools through out the country and monitors all the courses, subject, syllabus and give out result till secondary and higher secondary education.
  Secondary education may be proved as the turning point for a student as the mark obtained in class 10th decides the further stream of that student after completing education till senior secondary (12th) student have to decide their professional career option.
  Degree colleges, professional institutes are the next destination for students in manner to get professional knowledge of engineering, medical, law, MBA, aeronautical, teaching and many more academic working areas.
  In recent past years by the effort of government or other organisation of India. People have much awareness about importance of education. Thus result of growing education rate in India can be seen by measuring the literacy rate chart of India according to census 2011, where tremendous increment is seen in comparidous to the last census of 2001. In fact, Kerala state is counted as the 100 percent leterate state of India.


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